Saturday, January 28, 2012

Weekly Challenge- Week 12

Diet Challenge:  NO eating out this week!  Remember you get one day off of the 7, so you do have that option available for *one* day this week.  Otherwise, plan ahead and cook at home!  Your wallet will thank you too. :)

Exercise Challenge:  This fabulously fun little routine added in to your day!
*Deep Squats- 30 sec hold
                        30 sec bouncing 
                        30 sec hold
                        30 sec bouncing
                        30 sec wide 
*Push Ups-20 (on your knees if or even on the wall if necessary)
*Calf Raises-feet shoulder width apart, 10 reps
        turn toes out, 10 reps
        feet forward facing again, 10reps          
        turn toes in, 10 reps
        back to original position, 10reps
        wide stance, 10 reps
*Tricep dips (on edge of chair), 15 reps
*Squats/Plies (holding back of chair if needed), 10 reps
*Planks- on your forearms, legs straight and on your toes if you can, or on your knees if necessary           
                          1 min side
                          1 min center
                          1 min other side

-This is really a pretty quick little set, should only take about 10min, so feel free to do it twice.  Or if you love it so much that you just have to do it more often, do it both morning and night!  :)
Just remember this is in addition to any workouts you have planned!

Again, one day off from each challenge, whatever day you choose!  Doesn't have to be on the same day.  Have fun!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Weekly Challenge - Jan 16

Diet Challenge:  It's pick your poison week!  :)
You get to choose from either a NO treats week, or 9 servings of fruits and veggies a day.  Since the big produce challenge may require some coordinating with shopping I figured I'd give you a choice.  Aren't I so nice?  You choose and let us know.
No treats really means NO treats.  Not just no baked treats or no candy or no desserts in the evening....No treats all day every day.  And yes it's possible.  I promise.  I've done it a handful of times and never died.  I came close, but never did.  Just kidding.  Kind of.
If you go the 9 servings of fruits and veggies routes, look up what a serving really is.  You'd be surprised at how much it is for some things and how little it is for others.  Wondering how in the world you'll get that much in?  Salads are fabulous.  Smoothies are amazing.  Add veggies to a sandwich to boost flavor!  Turkey sandwich?  Add not only lettuce and tomato, but throw some sprouts on there too, along with a handful of bell peppers!  Good stuff!  You'd be surprised at how many ways there are to get more produce in your diet.  Fresh is best, but frozen is a darn close second.  And do yourself a favor and don't negate the goodness of it by drowning it all in butter or cheese or something else that will kill you with fat and calories.  A little is fine, but there are some great spices that will make it much more exciting!

Exercise Challenge: Try something new at least three times this week.  Keep up your regular routine and throw something new in the mix too.  Never tried yoga?  Give it a shot!  Pilates sound foreign to you?  Try it out!  Bought those kettlebells and promptly stuck them in a closet to collect dust?  Pick something that is not part of your regular workout routine and add it in this week.  Maybe you'll find a new love.  Maybe you'll hate it and be glad you only do it three times.  You never know.
There are a myriad of things available on Netflix, and hunting around the web turns up some great workouts too.  You do not need to sign up for a class or buy any new equipment or dvds, unless that is something you choose to do.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Weekly Challenge - Jan 9

Diet Challenge:  Another revisit to get back on track after the holidays-water intake!  Calculate what your water intake should be and hit it every day this week.  Most of you should be over 100oz/day!  But there's a second part this time around.  No soda.  None at all.  Not even a single swig, even if it's diet, zero calorie, whatever.  It's crap, so Cut. it. out. of your diet.

Exercise Challenge:  30 pushups every day.  They don't have to be in one set, do it in two sets, three sets, or even ten sets if you need to.  Watch your form!!  If you cannot do full pushups, go from your knees.  Your back should be completely straight.  If your butt is in the air, it is not a pushup.  If your body is limp and rolling up and down off the floor, it is not a pushup.  Thirty every day.  Go.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Real Life Inspiration

Meet my friend Becky at
Yep, you read "becky loses 200".  As in 200 pounds.
She is one amazing and inspiring woman!
Every time I see her around the neighborhood I am still blown away at the transformation she has made in her life.  She started out at 390 pounds and has dropped down under 200 now.  She has completely turned her life and her lifestyle around.  She has always been a sweet person, but she just absolutely beams now!  I swear the woman is always glowing!  And yes, even when she's not sweating. :)  She made a huge huge commitment and really dug in and got down to business and is one of those people that still must put in a concentrated effort every single day to maintain the changes she has made.

When you have a minute go peek around her blog.
Amazing things are possible!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Weekly Challenge - Jan 2

I am finally getting in gear and have prizes.  Really.  No they aren't fancy but hey, who doesn't like to win free stuff?
Two challenges every week, one pertaining to your eating habits, one to your exercise habits, one entry for each challenge you complete.

Diet Challenge:  Food Journal.  Yep, I know we already did it, but who is still doing it?  Anyone?  Track what you are eating.  *Everything* you are eating.  Down to the food you "clean up" off your kids' plates, the handful of M&Ms you threw down at the end of the day, all of it.  Make sure you are tracking your fluid too-are you drinking enough water?  adding too many calories from a cup?

Exercise Challenge:  Pick a goal.  Whether it's signing up for a 5k, running a mile by X date, the Hundred Pushup Challenge, whatever-pick a concrete attainable goal with an end date!  Something you are working toward.  Not a number on the scale, not work out so many minutes per day, pick something specific.  Share it with the group so we can encourage you along the way.  (and badger you about it if necessary)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Let's get this party started!!

It's January.
Holidays are over.
Parties are over.
Time to get moving.

If It’s Important, You’ll Find A Way. If It Isn’t, You’ll Find An Excuse


Here's where you decide just how bad you want it.  It's not easy.  It's not rocket science, but it's not easy.
The question is, are you willing to make the sacrifices you need to make to achieve it?